in Android, Continuous Integration, Emulators, Testing

Running Multiple Android Emulators Simultaneously on OSX

I had a long standing issue where I could only launch two emulators on my Macbook Pro simultaneously.  Any other emulators would launch and get a black screen and wouldn’t load.  I accepted this as fact, and carried on with life.


Finally today I found the need to figure out “why” this was the case as I wanted to start sharding my Android UI tests to speed them up.  I was given the suggestion that it could be the # of CPUs or the amount of RAM.  If you look in the logs you may see something like this (if you launch the emulator from android avd):


or you may see:

“HAXM does not have enough memory remaining to load this AVD.”

In order to change your memory allocation for HAXM, you need to re-install it, so run the installer again which is a DMG at: [$ANDROID_HOME/sdk/extras/intel/Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager/ ] and this time select more memory. [HAXM Technical Docs]screen-shot-2016-09-07-at-8-27-05-pm

But… before you install, make sure you have the latest version. The latest version as of September 7th, 2016 is 6.0.3 (Which was released on June 21, 2016).

On my Macbook, I was given 2048MB of memory by default which allowed me to run 2 emulators simultaneously (as seen above).screen-shot-2016-09-07-at-6-58-46-pm

I have 16GB total memory though, so lets make it so I can run a bunch of emulators at once by allocating 8GB 🙂

Here is my Macbook Pro running 6 Android emulators simultaneously after the changes:

Success!!!  May the sharding begin!

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