in Continuous Integration, Testing, Web

Continuous Integration at – Richmond Java Users Group (RJUG)

“Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.” – 1st principal of the Agile Manifesto

This presentation by Raphaël Brugier (@rbrugier) at the Richmond Java Users Group last night (Feb 17th) was really good and highlighted:

  • Continuous Integration.  A case study of 40,000 unit tests running in 3 minutes.  Selenium tests running in 15 minutes.  Passing tests == shippable code.
  • They went from shipping a feature in a month, to as soon as ready (possibly only a few days).
  • A different kind of Git Flow using git octopus. –
  • They have new developers hit the deploy button their first day.  Share deployment responsibilities within the dev team.
  • “If it hurts, do it more often.” – In regards to doing a deployment/release.
  • Work on feature branches.  Ship features as ready, not based on sprints. (git octopus facilitates this)
  • Detect feature branch merge conflicts after every push and make sure it’s resolved ASAP.
  • QA is owned by developers and sign off is given by product when dev demos it.
  • and more…

I would highly recommend watching the recording of the event.  Heads up: The speaker had a French accent and the video is from my MacBook’s camera, however, you get to watch it and otherwise you wouldn’t be able to :-p.

YouTube Link:


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